

var opts = {
  lines: 12, // The number of lines to draw
  length: 7, // The length of each line
  width: 5, // The line thickness
  radius: 10, // The radius of the inner circle
  corners: 1, // Corner roundness (0..1)
  rotate: 0, // The rotation offset
  color: '#000', // #rgb or #rrggbb
  speed: 1, // Rounds per second
  trail: 100, // Afterglow percentage
  shadow: true, // Whether to render a shadow
  hwaccel: false, // Whether to use hardware acceleration
  className: 'spinner', // The CSS class to assign to the spinner
  zIndex: 2e9, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000)
  top: 'auto', // Top position relative to parent in px
  left: 'auto' // Left position relative to parent in px
var target = document.getElementById('foo');
var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target);

The spin() method creates the necessary HTML elements and starts the animation. If a target element is passed as argument, the spinner is added as first child and horizontally and vertically centered.

Manual positioning

By default the spinner is centered within the target element. Alternatively you may specify a top and left option to position the spinner relative to the target element.

In order to manually insert the spinner into the DOM you can invoke the spin() method without any arguments and use the el property to access the HTML element:

var spinner = new Spinner().spin();

The returned element is a DIV with position:relative and no height. The center of the spinner is positioned at the top left corner of this DIV.

Hiding the spinner

To hide the spinner, invoke the stop() method, which removes the UI elements from the DOM and stops the animation. Stopped spinners may be reused by calling spin() again.

jQuery plugin

Spin.js does not require jQuery. Anyway, if you use jQuery (or zepto.js) you may use the following plugin:

$.fn.spin = function(opts) {
  this.each(function() {
    var $this = $(this),
        data = $this.data();

    if (data.spinner) {
      delete data.spinner;
    if (opts !== false) {
      data.spinner = new Spinner($.extend({color: $this.css('color')}, opts)).spin(this);
  return this;

Alternatively you may use this advanced version written by Bradley Smith.

Supported browsers

Spin.js has been successfully tested in the following browsers:


Version 1.2.7 (2.10.2012)

Version 1.2.6 (30.08.2012)

Version 1.2.5 (22.03.2012)

Version 1.2.4 (28.02.2012)

Version 1.2.3 (30.01.2012)

Version 1.2.2 (8.11.2011)

Version 1.2.1 (5.10.2011)

Version 1.2 (16.9.2011)

Version 1.1 (6.9.2011)

Version 1.0 (16.8.2011)


If you encounter any problems, please use the GitHub issue tracker.
For updates follow me on Twitter.
If you like spin.js and use it in the wild, let me know.